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Lesson 18 Check out

Chinese Lover


1)其他 another person or a thing or an animal


Do you have any other questions?


Does this clothing come in any other colors?

2)劳驾 excuse me


Excuse me, can you please tell me what time it is?


Excuse me, can you please tell me how to get to the Forbidden City?

Substitution and Extension

1)还是…… as a suggestion


Let's go there by plane. It's faster that way.

2)算了吧 Forget about it!


This restaurant is too expensive. Forget about it. Let's go to a different restaurant.


Huang:wher’s Xiaojie?

Xuemei:She’s gone to take photos, he’ll be back in a minute.

Huang:Hello, we’d like to check out.

Front desk:May I ask which rooms you were in?

Huang:Rooms 918 and 1179.

Front desk:Please wait a moment. We have to have a look at the rooms first. Is that alright?

Front desk:Sir, these are the bills for rooms 918 and 1179, please check it.

Huang:Forget it, there’s no need.

Front desk:You better check it.

Xuemei:OK, I’ll have a look.

(looks at bill)

Xuemei:Excuse me, I’m not sure about a few items.

Front desk:Which items?

Xuemei:The first is this one, laundry charges.

Front desk:“Laundry charges, 26th”, so you didn’t have any laundry done for that day?

Xuemei:We did, but the housekeeping manager said the charges were waived.

front desk:Don’t worry. I’ll check it for you.

front desk:Sorry, you’re right, housekeeping waived your laundry charges. So sorry!

Xuemei:Well, what charge is this?

Front desk:Let me see, there was a broken cup in room 1179 room, ……

Huang:Forget about it, if there are no other problems just leave it.

Front desk:Sorry madam! I’ll print a new bill for you. Please check it.

front desk:If there’s no problem, please sign it.

Xuemei: OK.

Front desk: How are you playing?Cash or credit card?

Xuemei:Credit card.

Front desk:This is your receipt. Take you time.

Xuemei: Thanks.
