Meticulous with money


Meticulous with money

Chinese Idiom 精打细算 jīng dǎ xì suàn

A breakdown of the characters in 精打细算 (jīng dǎ xì suàn):

精 (jīng): re ned or precise (精准 - jīngzhǔn)

打 (dǎ): to plan (打算 - dǎsuàn)

细 (xì): detailed or in detail (细节 - xìjié)

算 (suàn): to calculate (计算 - jìsuàn)

If you’ve been to China before, you know that many Chinese are shrewd bargainers. The country has among the highest savings rate in the world, and many are always on the lookout for discounts or sales.

For a great chengyu to describe these thrifty habits, try 精打 细算 (jīng dǎ xì suàn).

精打细算 means to plan and budget meticulously, and it has a positive tone.



“yī bù jīngdǎxìsuàn, mùbiāo míngquè de shāngyè diànyǐng”

“A commercial movie that has been carefully budgeted and has a clear goal”


“老百姓都是捂着钱包精打细算地过日 子”

“lǎobǎixìng dōushì wǔ zhe qiánbāo jīngdǎxìsuàn de ɡuòrìzi”

“The common people are all covering their wallets and spending their days budgeting meticulously.”



“mǎi le fángzi zhīhòu jiù kāishǐ yào jīngdǎxìsuàn...”

“After buying a house, you need to start planning and budgeting meticulously...”


“记账其实就是记生活,精打细算中感 受到的是零零碎碎的幸福”

“jì zhàng qíshí jiùshì jì shēnghuó, jīngdǎxìsuàn zhōng gǎnshòu dào de shì línglíngsuìsuì de xìngfú”

“Accounting is actually recording life. As you plan and budget meticulously, you can feel bits and pieces of happiness”

Go to great lengths for a friend