当老师学孔子Learning From Confucius
The Analects Of Confucius Part 15
Learning From Confucius
To Be A Teacher
论 语(15) The Analects Of Confucius Part 15
卫灵公 Duke Ling Of Wei
2.俎(zu)豆: 俎和豆均为古代盛食物的器皿,用作祭祀时的礼器。此处译为礼仪之事。
Lord Ling of Wei asked the Master how to arrange his troops in war. The Master replied, "I have heard of sacrifices and rituals, but have never learned how to fight a war." He left the state the next day.
孔子一行在陈国断炊,随从的人都饿病了,起不来了。子路心里不悦,来见孔子说,“君子也有穷得毫无办法的时候吗?” 孔子说,“君子在困窘时还能固守正道,小人一困窘就会胡作非为。”
When in Cheng, the Master’s team was running out of food with followers too hungry and sick to stand onto feet. Zi Lu, displeased, came to see the Master and said, “Does one superior also have the time with no way out?” The Master said, “One superior, when in need, will stick to righteousness, but one mean, when so, will run amok.”

大 雅 Greater Elegance
Oscillation Of Assorted